Jest 0,5 km na południowy-wschód od centrum wsi, ukryty w śródpolnym drzewostanie. Na części działki nr 315, obręb Wróbliniec. Pochodzi z początku XIX w. i zajmuje obszar 0,3 ha. Czytelne nagrobki jakie się zachowały to – Gottlieb Trenkel (1787-1852) i Christian Jammer (1778-1851). W sumie pozostało 10 mogił z obramieniami. Rosną stare dęby na obrzeżu, a w środku grochodrzewy, brzozy i liczne kępy bzu lilaka. W runie jest barwinek i konwalia.
Dawny cmentarz ewangelicki : Wildbahn - Heidau / Wróbliniec - Płonka.
All photos were taken by us May 20, 2023. The old cemetery is surrounded by fields and is somewhat difficult to access during the spring and summer (mind the farmers crops). It is easy to see why the location was chosen, it is a beautiful place, which nature now has taken back. All information is from edukacja.barycz.pl.
As a result of the historical turmoil, only churches and cemeteries remained after the Protestants in the Barycz Valley. The latter, by administrative decision, were officially closed in 1962, becoming an increasingly vanishing historical testimony over time. A total of 84 Evangelical cemeteries (including 10 family cemeteries) were found in the Barycz Valley area. Their arrangement is characterized by a clear asymmetry. Most of them are located in the commune of Milicz, as many as 42. The fewest, only 7, in the commune of Żmigród. In turn, in the Cieszków commune there are 14 cemeteries, and in the Krośnice commune there are 21 cemeteries.
The old oaks watch over the cemetery
A characteristic feature of Evangelical necropolises from the 19th century was that they were established rather far from the town. Most often - in accordance with the prevailing spirit of Romanticism at that time - they were located on the heights of the area, among fields, and even in forests. To this day, they are enclaves with beautiful old trees (mostly pedunculate oaks, lindens, western thujas and Douglas firs) and numerous stands of plants such as lily of the valley, periwinkle and common ivy.
Old Evangelical cemetery in Wróbliniec
It is 0.5 km to the south-east of the village center, hidden in a mid-field forest stand. On part of plot no. 315, precinct Wróbliniec. It comes from the beginning of the 19th century and covers an area of 0.3 ha. Legible tombstones that have survived are those of Gottlieb Trenkel (1787-1852) and Christian Jammer (1778-1851). In total, 10 graves with frames remain. Old oaks grow on the outskirts, and in the middle there are locust trees, birches and numerous clumps of lilac lilac. There is periwinkle and lily of the valley in the fleece.