This is our brand of handmade things. A brand created with passion. Our leading products are large and heavy cutting boards and tapas serving boards.
Ładne prezenty/Nice gifts :-)
Ładne również jako podstawki/ Also nice as coasters
Deski do krojenia i tapas z dębu/Cutting boards and tapas boards in oak.
Czasami z małymi elementami zywicy epoksydowej/
Sometimes with small elements of epoxy.
Suszenie świeżo naoliwionych desek do krojenia/Freshly oiled cutting boards drying.
How to take care of your cutting board/tapas board:
Wipe of or wash your board with dish soap soon after you are done using it. Never soak or wash your board in a dishwasher. Make sure you always wipe it dry once its cleaned, or the wood can dry out, warp and/or crack. Frequently oil your board to keep it in a good condition. To fresh up/sanitise your board you can rub a cut lime or lemon on the surface or use white vinegar and rinse with water.
Nasze produkty można kupić u nas lub w wybranych firmach w Dolinie Baryczy.
Our products can be purchased at our place or in selected companies in the Barycz Valley.